
​Special Session Rally


Our legislators need to know that we are supporting them in banning abortion in Indiana! Ride the Right to Life charter buses on July 26th down to the Indianapolis Statehouse for the Special Session!

Special Session

Who: All prolife individuals welcome! Minors (under 18yrs) should be accompanied by an adult.
Where: Launch from and return to the Right to Life office, 3106 Lake Ave, Fort Wayne. Parking available.
When: Tuesday, July 26th, meet at 7:00am, estimated return of 3:30pm.
Cost: $5 per seat (payment link coming soon)

What to expect: We will be standing inside the Statehouse to be an encouragement and loving witness to the legislators. We will provide t-shirts and signs for participants as well as lunch. We will be a peaceful, prayerful presence. We will NOT be engaging any pro-abortion protestors.
What to wear: You’ll receive a t-shirt upon arrival at the Statehouse. Clothing should be appropriate for the respect due in the Statehouse. Any messaging on clothing should be positive and a true witness to Christian values and love.
What to bring: Water, hat, sunscreen, government issued ID, snacks,  phone charger, Bible, prayer book.
Please note: We will not be able to accommodate food allergies for lunch, please pack a lunch if you will need an alternate meal.

Love Them Both

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