We celebrated the 2nd Anniversary of the Dobbs decision at all 8 county courthouses in NE Indiana with a Rally for Life!
Northeast IN- On Saturday, June 22, 2024 pro-life people from the community gathered for an hour at a courthouse in Adams, Allen, DeKalb, Huntington, LaGrange, Noble, Steuben, or Wells county. Attendees stopped to pray together, held signs, and listened to remarks from presenters at each location. It was a celebration of Life near the 2 year anniversary of the Supreme Court Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. This peaceful gathering was an encouragement to one another, as well as, showing the community and legislators we are ready to stand by mothers-in-need and vulnerable families.

Gideon Prumm, one of the event speakers and intern at Right to Life of Northeast Indiana, said, "Being pro-life certainly doesn't mean all interactions are easy. At Purdue Fort Wayne, I have had the opportunity to speak with many different kinds of people from very diverse backgrounds. I've spoken with fellow students who were Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, Evangelical, Muslim, Hindu, and Atheist. I have listened to the beliefs of many different people and it's good to have these conversations because it helps you to develop the ability to explain and defend your own beliefs. An important part of having a belief is the ability to explain why you believe it in the first place. Some people agree and some disagree, but the conversations are still important. I have a close friend from one of my classes who is an atheist, and there was a tough conversation we had regarding abortion...
...This conversation was difficult, but we ended it on good terms. It was hard for me to have this talk because we knew each other so well, but the truth has to be told even to close family and friends. It is hard to speak for truth, but that is what Jesus calls us to do."
Another presenter, Shelley Williams, Noble County Republican Chairman said during her testimony, "I had a really close

friend have an abortion when she was in her early 20’s. She was finishing college and knew it wasn’t in her cards to be a mother. I didn’t know what to say to her at the time, except, “Are you sure? This seems extreme.” But she convinced herself, with the help of her mom and dad, that perhaps it was for the best that the child be terminated. I tried talking with her afterwards and she became quite distant. I saw her start to slip away to a version of herself that wasn’t HER. She went from one thing in her life to another, without forming close bonds with anyone she was around…
...My friend to this day, tells me how old her child would have been. This year, that child would be 31."
The event was also a celebration of the legislation that was passed in Indiana that has greatly reduced the abortion numbers in our state. At the same time, attendees were encouraged to continue to stand in the gap for vulnerable families. Crisis pregnancies still exist no matter the legality of abortion. The Regional Rally was a time to indicate we are willing to show up, meet needs, and live out our pro-life convictions.