Each year area churches display crosses for the children lost to abortion throughout Northeast Indiana.
St. Michael's Lutheran Church- 284 crosses for Allen County

New Life Lutheran Church- 284 for Allen County

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Kendallville- 8 crosses for Noble County

St. Michael the Archangel- 14 crosses for Dekalb County
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Auburn- 14 crosses for Dekalb County
Prince of Peace in Stroh- 4 crosses for LaGrange County

Lake Area Church in Freemont- 6 crosses for Steuben County

St Joe Church of Christ in St. Joe- 14 crosses for DeKalb County
Trinity Lutheran Church in Auburn- 14 crosses for DeKalb County
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Albion- 8 crosses for Noble County

Open Door Community Church in Wolcottville- 4 crosses for LaGrange County

St Paul Catholic Chapel in Freemont- Place crosses in honor of Steuben, Co Indiana and Counties they serve in Ohio and Michigan
Church at Garrett- 14 crosses for DeKalb County